![Why hello spring!](http://tarapook.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/photo1.jpg?w=384&h=431)
Why hello spring!
Spring is finally here! Now is the time to clear all the clutter from our homes. Out with the clothes, papers, and junk that are sitting around and collecting dust. For me, parting with the countless magazines stacked in my room will be a daunting task. I loathe parting with a good magazine. Nevertheless, a clear space allows for a clear mind. It’s important to part with the old and make room for the new and exciting.
What people often don’t realize is that spring cleaning doesn’t just apply to things; it also applies to people. Just as the clutter in your room can overwhelm you, so can a certain person- or two. These are the type of people whose relationship you share now feels like a chore. They have already served their purpose in your life, and are now over-welcoming their stay. Now this doesn’t mean that best friends for life don’t exist. Just make sure that you’re aware of when it may be time to move on from that boyfriend, girlfriend, homie, or associate. As ‘Ye says “They say people in your life are seasons, and everything that happens is for a reason.”
I think back on relationships I’ve had with people and how I believed deep down that God had put them in my life not for a season, but for a lifetime. They weren’t just people who I went out with on weekends or shared gossip on the phone. Instead, they were people I considered friends who spoke into my life. Could you blame me for wanting them to stick around?
My dad once said, “You ever have someone in your life who was a blessing and then suddenly they disappear? Do not get upset about this. God will ensure that the people you need in your life will stay there.” Unfortunately, with those relationships I had to learn the hard way that forcing people to stay in your life only causes you harm. This can taint the lessons and love that they shared with you. Instead, be grateful for the time you shared with them and keep it moving.
So when you start your spring cleaning, get rid of those old Converses and donate those shirts you never wear. But remember to clear out those who brought negativity and discouragement, and bring in those who will speak greatness into your life.
—Tara Pook