One of my favorite Chrisette Michele songs begins with, “Say it with your actions. Saying those words to me doesn’t mean anything.”
And though she is singing about a boyfriend who says but does not show that he loves her, I’ve taken this as one of my favorite sayings/lessons on life.
Say it with your actions.
Why? Because sometimes word isn’t bond.
This does not mean that we should never believe a single word that comes out of someone’s mouth. Instead we should look to see if their words and actions are in agreement. Back in undergrad when I studied journalism, it was stressed that people should be held accountable for what they say. If a politician promised more funding for education and yet 2 years into his term there was no money to be seen, he’d be called out on it. One of my professors even made the joke that facts are still necessary to prove your mother’s “claim” that she loves you.
Though meant for laughs, I find a lot of truth in this statement. If someone calls themselves your friend, the facts proving it should be there. Do they keep your secrets? Are they there for you in your time of need?
The same can be applied to your actions. Be mindful of the promises you make to others. As the saying goes, “A promise made is a debt unpaid.”
Very often we act like potential employees at a job interview. Much like what we do with people, we build up our qualities and abilities more than we should. And what happens to an employee who doesn’t live up to expectations? Well, they get fired…
The words we speak or the promises we make are merely a contract. Our actions are what truly seals the deal and are proof of our character.
Like Ms. Michele crooned, “It’s all in what you do.”
— Tara Pook